The 3% Marketers Club

Walk Away from the 97%: Start with First-Party Data Ops

After over a decade in digital marketing, it became clear that the real gap isn’t knowledge—it’s access.

Access to genuine mentors and their knowledge—those who share solid, foundational strategies, not gimmicks or hacks.

Say goodbye to outdated methods and hello to your new weapon: First-Party Data Ops (1PD Ops).

Through the 3% Marketers Club, we’re gathering top marketers who know how to use first-party data effectively.

As platforms like Meta, Google, and TikTok evolve with AI, only those mastering 1P Data Ops will win.

In the next five years, marketing will be driven by automation and AI-powered tools. Privacy laws will tighten, forcing brands to rely solely on first-party data.

With this in mind, we’ll be sharing everything we know, everything we learn, and encouraging others to do the same so we can collectively learn how to nail First-Party Data Ops.

One thing we’re sure of: knowledge shouldn’t cost you money. That’s why this membership will be free forever.

If you want to learn, join us—but pledge to share your insights, too.

Like our favorite Jim Rohn says: 

Walk away from the 97%. Don’t follow their playbook. Don’t run your campaigns like they do. Switch gears. Switch strategies. 

The smallest shift in how you use data can change everything.

Start with First-Party Data Ops—it’s the foundation of modern marketing.

Those who master their data now will lead tomorrow. Control it, understand it, and use it to create laser-focused campaigns.

That’s where the real wins are.

Welcome to the 3%.


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